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Future Events


Fairy Door Workshop!

Saturday 3rd August

1-3pm at the picnic area

Come along and get creative painting and decorating fairy doors!

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Past events at The Foss Fairy Trail

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Tree Festival

The Tree Festival had lots of painting fun for children, the adults had a fun time too!  Thank you for those who came along to support the fairy trail!!!

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Thankfully we got a dry day for the Nature Festival at the end of April!  We had a fabulous time with Roley, an Eagle Owl from York Birds of Prey who we say a big thankyou to!  And to everyone who attended and had some crafting fun!! York was leading on the city nature challenge dashboard on the day of the event, well done for all those who participated!!!


We had a lovely sunny day for the Easter Treasurehunt!  Thank you all who attended and all your donations! It was so lovely to meet some new people as well as seeing our regulars!

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